Garden Moth Review 2008
Other species that did well were:
Dark Arches Apamea monoglypha - 14
Brimstone Moth Opisthograptis luteolata - 10
Large Yellow Underwing Noctua pronuba - 9
Heart and Dart Agrotis exclamationis - 8
Heart and Club Agrotis clavis - 7
Lesser Yellow Underwing Noctua comes - 7
Square-spot Rustic Xestia xanthographa - 6
Species that did not do so well were:
Shuttle-shaped Dart Agrotis puta - 2 (16 in 2007).
Elephant Hawk-moth Deilephila elpenor - 0 (5 in 2007).
Small Quaker Orthosia cruda - 3 (8 in 2007).
Hebrew Character Orthosia gothica - 2 (6 in 2007).
Marbled Beauty Cryphia domestica - 1 (5 in 2007).
Alas, there were no Humming-bird Hawk-moth's Macroglossum stellatarum in 2008.
Here is a breakdown of the number species seen and the total number of individuals for the years 2005 - 2008.
Year - Species - Individuals
2005 - 51 - 99
2006 - 50 - 142
2007 - 53 - 161
2008 - 68 - 178
This probably only reflects the fact that my identification skills are improving.
The species richness of my garden is now 125 (104 in 2007).
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