Heatwave Butterflies
With the recent uncharacteristic bank holiday heatwave, a couple of Butterflies have ventured into the garden, and have been kind enough to settle on some spring flowers allowing some photographs.
The top two are of a female Orange tip showing the wings closed and then open, which was photographed on the 4th May. The bottom one is of a Green-veined White, which was photographed on the 8th May.
The female Orange Tip is often mistaken for the Small White, but the underside is the real clincher, showing a lovely mottled green pattern. The male would be no problem at all, with as it name suggests, Orange Tips to the forewing.
The Green-veined White is another butterfly which is easily mistaken for the Small White, but again if the underside is seen, then the veins can clearly be seen, bordered by dark grey-green scales.
Interestingly, both these two species lay their eggs on Garlic Mustard (Jack-by-the-Hedge) amongst other cruciferous plants, and I do have this growing wild in my garden.